Worthy or Worthless

Therefore this is what the LORD says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.”
Jeremiah 15:19 ( my emphasis)

I felt passionate about finding out what was behind the LGBTQ agenda and the crisis in sexual identity. I read how children were either coerced or indoctrinated through peer influence in social media, indoctrination in welcoming schools while receiving affirmation to think it was ok to be attracted to either the same sex, or believe they were of the opposite biological gender. The issue also involved anyone who opposes this misconception, upholding to a moral standard, targeted as, ignorant, biggotted, homophobic and/or transphobic and potentially ostracized by both peers and teachers. This led to my intense research and writing a blog:
What’s Behind the Identity Crisis/ What’s Behind the LGBTQ Agenda.


There were two recent U S Supreme Court decisions which made same sex marriage legal and non-acceptance of LGBTQs’ in the workplace discriminatory. These two decisions has caused increased hostility and enamored the LGBTQ community to indoctrinate within the Public Schools the LGBTQ concept and push this agenda into private and Christian Schools. You only have to do a little research on the testimonies of adults who have escaped by receiving Jesus Christ as Savior, to realize how these deviant sexual lifestyles destroy innocent lives; former homosexual and Transexual – (Becket Cook and Walt Heyer).

For several months while separated during the COVID-19 shutdown, the Lord emphasized how abiding in His Word was what He wanted me to pursue. So during the months of February-September I would get up around 5:00 am and meditate on the Word while journaling its application to my personal life. My relationship with the Lord grew bittersweet. Simultaneously, God was uncovering His awesome character and love towards me while revealing personal life-long patterns of missed opportunities of speaking up what I knew to be true. I guess you could say I relate to Moses, with his argument in confronting Egypt’s Pharaoh, simply, Lord, but “I cannot speak”.

Then it happened, it was brought to my attention that our local county School Board was voting to make a decision on making October, LGBTQ History month. My first impression was to intercede and pray and to encourage others to do the same. And that is what I began to do. But it wasn’t long before it also occurred to me, I needed to put my mouth where my convictions were, and then I became afraid. But one morning as I opened the mail, I received from a ministry, this emphatic, encouraging Word:

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced, therefore, I have set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” Isaiah 50:7

I became inspired with the conviction, I was to go, So a few days prior to the School Board Meeting, I put together a synopsis to advocate for a “No” vote to the LGBTQ History month, resolution. I didn’t know until the day of the meeting, I would only have 1-3 minutes to speak. When I arrived at the School Board meeting where the resolution would be given a vote, we were told all speakers would have only “1” minute to speak. For someone who speaks and writes in dissertations, this was hard to imagine, I am not given to being pithy in any sense of the word. So I quickly scanned my paper to select the most important things I could say, all the while, I was receiving prompts by the Holy Spirit, to”

“Just say what God had to say.”

Well, I rationalized that might make me appear “religious”.  So when I finally got up to speak, I compromised. I quickly read a couple of important points, in which I stumbled on some of the words, and when I was ready to read the scriptures, my time was abruptly ended. I knew I blew it, and awkwardly went back to my seat. I learned, the board prior to even the beginning of the meeting had decided to take the resolution off the table for the time being. God answered our prayers.

Ussually, when I fail to listen to God, I feel awful and spiritually defeated, and reflect on it again and again. But this time was different. I felt encouraged I went as determined and I learned a valuable lesson and that was to seek God first concerning what He wanted me to say, not what I thought to say. His Word assures me He still loves me and He knows where I am weak and forgives, as he continues to pick me up when I fall, again, and again and again.

So I will remember, it’s more important to speak God’s Word instead of having any doubts or fear.

 He’s sure to give more opportunities and its His Word, not mine that brings conviction, which I am now determined to speak loud and clear:

“As the rain and the snow

come down from heaven,

and do not return to it

without watering the earth

and making it bud and flourish,

so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,

so is my word that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to me empty,

but will accomplish what I desire

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:10-11


Sex Changer Regret
What’s Behind the LGBTQ Agenda.
Becket Cook

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About Doula Faith

I am first and foremost a child of God, "born again" into the Kingdom of God through faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has called me to be an "Encourager" of faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. I have learned through some painful trials of His unconditional love. The apple of my eye, is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Living Word.
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4 Responses to Worthy or Worthless

  1. Lisa says:

    Thank you for this beautiful commentary on speaking Gods Word out in public where the Light is needed to shine, Mary! And the encouragement to not best ourselves down when we mess up but get up and move on with the same zeal and more to be the violent overthrowers of the kingdom at hand and possess the gates of our enemies! We wrestle not against flesh and blood:)

  2. Gloria Wilson says:

    Praise the Lord! It may be some time before it is brought to the table again.

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