The Senate Pass

Acts 8:25-40
Recently, I had the opportunity to accompany my husband on a business trip to Washington DC. I planned to visit the Capital and sit in on the proceedings on the days Congress and the Senate were in session. Before my trip, I contacted the offices of my Senators, requesting passes to the galleries where I had decided to observe and pray. I didn’t hear back from them and decided to just visit the Capitol building, Supreme Court building and some museums located near our hotel. But what occurred was I developed an infection on my leg which caused a lot of pain whenever I walked. However, the Lord had given me a peace about going on this trip, reminding me, His grace was sufficient. And every time it was necessary to walk, I had His grace, and the pain decreased. But on the day I had planned to visit the historic sites, the pain became unbearable and so, I relented to stay in my hotel room. It allowed me to pray for our government leaders and just to take advantage of this special time to worship the Lord and pray.
As I was listening to worship music on YouTube, and in joyous praise, I was suddenly interrupted with a call from someone in DC. There was no ID so I decided not to answer. But when I listened to the recorded message, I was surprised to hear it was one of my Senators letting me know I could visit his office to pick up the gallery visitor’s passes. I, of course, was very disappointed, because of my condition, I could not go.
Not knowing what Senator had sent the message, I decided to search the office number. As I was discovering the name of the Senator attached to the office number, I was immediately transferred through the internet to a webcast, broadcasting the Senate proceedings taking place that day. I was amazed as I was witnessing two nominations: One, for the Commissioner for Health and Human Services and the other for the representative to the United Nations General Assembly. They were taking a senate vote on their nominations. I did not know the two nominees’ backgrounds, so while the vote was taking place I researched some information concerning them. I was again amazed to find out, both were Trump Appointees, and one, in particular, was very conservative and matched my beliefs on policies concerning children’s issues. I was then encouraged to pray for each of their nominations as I was given a remote front row seat to witness everything going on within the Senate Chamber.

It then occurred to me that although it was not possible to visit the Senate, personally, and sit in the gallery to pray, God had through cyberspace transported me there. I was so excited knowing that God had allowed my circumstance to work for good and that His sovereignty in the matter prevailed, despite my dilemma. This was so encouraging.

This reminded me of how an Angel of the Lord told Philip, to go south to a desert road leading from Jerusalem. There, the Holy Spirit led him to join an Ethiopian who was reading scripture. The scripture was Isaiah 53 which is the prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. Philip was sent to explain the scripture he was reading, and as a result, the eunuch was converted and immediately wanted to be baptized.

Isn’t it amazing how God is faithful, to reveal His truth to anyone who is seeking, and personally will call a believer, to go and witness and interpret scripture?
As soon as the eunuch and Philip came up out of the baptismal water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again.
In comparison, it seemed as though the Lord had supernaturally transported me to witness the nominations, and I was in and out of that remote setting, as soon as God’s purpose was obeyed.

His ways never cease to amaze and delight me as I am always given His grace, whenever I am reminded to pray.
(Philippians 4: 4-6, 2 Corinthians 12:9)

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About Doula Faith

I am first and foremost a child of God, "born again" into the Kingdom of God through faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has called me to be an "Encourager" of faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. I have learned through some painful trials of His unconditional love. The apple of my eye, is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Living Word.
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5 Responses to The Senate Pass

  1. Frank Kariuki says:

    Hi Miss Duola,it’s been a while,I hope you are doing well,so am I.I also pray that God may heal you,may you get well soon.

    I am joyful regarding your testimony that I have just read.May the grace of God that is always sufficient for all His people shine upon you and bring you healing.You see Faith,God has all the powers you can imagine and with Him nothing is impossible.Regardless of His Almighty nature,He did not heal you so that you could attend that meeting,but even with the illness,you attended the meeting in a way,

    Am saying,God makes a way where there seems to be no way,(Isaiah)And nothing catches Him by surprise,so he is aware and He has a plan of saving you from every calamity you are undergoing.Neverthreless, everything happens for a reason,Joseph had to suffer in Egypt so that the Israelites could not suffer from starvation later on,so take heart and trust in the Lord,I will be praying for you also,

    May you have a blessed day and get well soon,bye.

    • Dear Frank,
      My wound has not completely healed but no longer painful. I am satisfied the Lord is using it to teach me patience, trust and to go forward , no matter the obstacle, in this way I experience His grace and faithfulness. According to James 1, I asked the Lord for wisdom concerning this trial and He answered me: This trial is for the testing of my faith. Frank, You don’t know how much your words have encouraged me. I have needed this encouragement. Thank you and Please continue to pray I learn to love to the point I am content in all things as long as Jesus is glorified. I pray the Lord’s encouragement and blessings be upon you this day and every day. Doula Faith

  2. Gloria says:

    The ways in which the Lord works are so incredibly amazing; each day is a treasure. Thanks for sharing your story.

  3. Lisa Ross says:

    Excellent testimony of how important it is to pray for our government leaders and that we as the royal priesthood have the ear and heart of our King who rules over all! Thank you for persevering even with your dilemma to pray . Thank you too for the encouragement to be about our Fathers business in expanding His Kingdom through prayer.

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