Free in Christ Jesus

blue butterfly

John 8: 34-36

Recently I visited our local Butterfly Pavilion in Fort Myers, Florida. As we entered the enclosed glass Exhibit there were butterflies of different species happily moving about with fluttered wings. It was as though they were singing a song while swirling – We are free, We are free!

It was so peaceful there. My friend and I were caught up in the tranquility of their presence. There were many plants arranged in a beautiful garden with ponds and walkways. There was one area where you could sit on a bench and take it all in

Butterflies have always fascinated me with their metamorphosis. How it is possible for them to change from a creeping caterpillar, moving about from leaf to delectable leaf, then curl up to form a Chrysalis where they are miraculously changed is certainly one of the wonders of God’s world and creation. (Genesis 1, Psalm 139:13-18)

Yet, I couldn’t help think how God promises His most beloved; all of mankind (male and female)  the same opportunity to change into what He has created us to be in the image of His Son. Through the transforming power of His Holy Spirit we have our spirits’and minds’ renewed where everything is possible with God in Christ Jesus.
(2 Corinthians 3:18, Genesis 1:27, Romans 12:2, Romans 8:29, John 3:16, Matthew 19:26)

Then also, in the same way Jesus ascended into the clouds after His resurrection, He will return and we as new creatures in Him will meet Him in the air to be with Him forever more. (Acts 1: 9-11, 1 Corinthians 15: 51-53, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

So as Jesus has promised, the one whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

I am free, I am free ! The Lord has set me free and  I am free, indeed!

Thank You, Jesus!

References: Bible Hub –

The Butterfly Estates
The Beauty and Design of Butterflies DVD –

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About Doula Faith

I am first and foremost a child of God, "born again" into the Kingdom of God through faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has called me to be an "Encourager" of faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. I have learned through some painful trials of His unconditional love. The apple of my eye, is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Living Word.
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4 Responses to Free in Christ Jesus

  1. Ramona says:

    Absolutely beautiful!!!! Thank you so much for sharing. We all are FREE in Jesus name.

  2. Becky says:

    Loved your piece on freedom. Yes, with Christ we are free indeed. Nature shows us so many pictures of Him! 🙂

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