The Pointing Finger

pointing finger man

Matthew 6:12-14
Matthew 7: 1-5
Matthew 18:21-25
John 8:34-36
Isaiah 58:9-12
John 8:3-11

I’ve discovered a remarkable truth. When I can forgive those who have hurt me (from the heart), I am set free from the hurt and no longer remain their victim.
When I refuse to forgive, I am in bondage to the pain, as I dwell on it, and wallow in the self-pity. Therefore, I become the target of  wrongfulness, continuously, until I choose to be loosed and set free.

Jesus said: unless we are willing to forgive others ,we ourselves, cannot receive His forgiveness.

When I refuse to forgive, the wrongs I have committed  assail me, and I am caught in a net of the pointing finger of self-condemnation.

Judge not, and neither are you judged. Jesus came not to judge but to Save. There is a time of judgment after this gospel message has reached the ends of the world. That is: Christ came to pay the sin debt for everyone and all who believe in His sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin are saved and no longer under judgment and God’s wrath.

Jesus, who knew no sin, took on the world’s sin and God’s punishment and judgment. He paid the sin debt for everyone’s present, past and future sins. It is God’s gift of salvation which cannot be earned but believed. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, He uttered the following words on behalf of the ones who were crucifying Him and on behalf of the world’s sin (John 3:16)

“ Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

When I am cognizant of the faults of others I become blind to my own transgressions, for when I concentrate on the faults of others, I cannot see my own. Therefore, I am the victim and remain in bondage to the hurt, whereas, if I choose to forgive, I am able to see my own transgressions and ask for forgiveness. It’s like licking my wounds and never looking up long enough to see how I may be hurting others.
(John 12: 37-41, Matthew 7:5, 1 John 1:9)

Focusing on Jesus and the price He paid to set me free brings everything into a clear perspective.

And because I have accepted His salvation there is no longer any condemnation, for He has paid for my sins with His own blood. Therefore, I am covered, sealed and delivered from damnation. ( Romans 8:1-2, 1 John 1:9, Ephesians 1: 13-14))

What greater thing could God do but to send His Son to save the world by taking on the punishment for all sin? God is kind, loving and merciful, but also just. Justice demands the destruction of evil to protect the innocent for the sake of harmony and peace. Therefore, in the Kingdom of God all who practice unrighteousness will be left outside in darkness.
(Revelation 22:5)

The One who has the power to bring to justice, and refuses to execute judgment on behalf of the innocent does not have love. God is both LOVE and JUST. You cannot have one without the other. Our Creator, redeemer, restorer waits patiently for every individual to come to the acknowledgement of their sin, and to receive His forgiveness through His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. ( 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-8, Psalm 86:15, 2 Peter 3:9)

So, this I have come to know and understand; Just as I am forgiven, I must forgive others from the heart, leaving it up to God, Who is Judge of all, to exact judgment in His time. So it is also true, the viscous cycle of blaming one another ends whenever one chooses to forgive. The god of this world causes division and strife while dividing and conquering through our refusal to admit we sin and our refusal to forgive others who sin against us. ( 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-8, Psalm 37:7-11)

Forgiveness does not mean remaining a victim of anyone’s mental, physical or emotional abuse. Rather, forgiveness is letting go of the hurt while praying for the offender. Love covers a multitude of sin, and is powerful enough to bring the sinner to repentance – pointing the way to salvation through Jesus Christ.
( 1 Peter 4:8)

“Les Miserables” is an excellent portrayal of unconditional love and forgiveness (God’s Grace vs. Condemnation under the law). In this film , we see how forgiveness made possible the opportunity for a new life through God’s love. That is exactly what God does for those who come to faith and repentance. God no longer sees their sin and they have His unconditional love motivating them to goodness and to love others as themselves.
( Ephesians 2: 8-9) (1)

It is impossible to forgive on our own. Therefore, we need to go to God in prayer with recognition of our own sin, while asking for the strength to forgive others. We are then set free and the wrongs of others no longer keep us in bondage to anger, resentment and revenge. ( Matthew 6:12)

Worldly counsel has made merchandise of us by promising release from our torments through drugs and the psychiatry of making past offenses  accountable for our wrongful choices and actions. Many are profiting from this deceit. God invites us to hear His Word and His Truth, and to seek out godly counsel from those who do not desire to profit at our expense.

God’s Word and His Holy Spirit is the believer’s counselor. Jesus Christ paid the price to give us His perfect counsel. Let’s no longer look for a quick fix and a way to numb the hurt through drugs and retaliation. But rather, Let us choose to forgive others, knowing God has forgiven us. And point to the One Who Saves – Jesus Christ. (John 14:16, Isaiah 9:6)

Scenes from Les Miserables

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About Doula Faith

I am first and foremost a child of God, "born again" into the Kingdom of God through faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He has called me to be an "Encourager" of faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. I have learned through some painful trials of His unconditional love. The apple of my eye, is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Living Word.
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2 Responses to The Pointing Finger

  1. When we have been hurt by someone, forgiveness indeed does not try to escape from the hurt through drugs or through retaliation. Your words that contrast “toxic psychiatry” with true forgiveness also show that we can speak the truth in love to those (like some psychiatrists) who hurt us or use us. Speaking as true prophets, we can expose the sin of others (and of ourselves), without seeking retaliation or their final judgment; we are seeking to be used by the Spirit to convict them of their sin so they will seek God’s forgiveness. This could be seen by some as also pointing the finger, but if it is spoken in love, without hostile intent, but with the intent that such sin should not continue, the Spirit can use this level of “judgment” to point the way to freedom from continuing such sin and from judgment (especially the final judgment).

    • True, but unless the Holy Spirit prepares the heart to receive our good intentions , they usually boomerang. I myself have found the Holy Spirit is better at conviction through pointing to the Word- Jesus Christ.

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